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��RESFEST 2006 �ĥ�������ȯɽ

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1. RESFEST Shorts One: State of the Art
2. RESFEST Shorts Two: Out of the Box
3. RESFEST Shorts Three: Fear and Trembling
4. By Design
5. RESMIX Shorts
6. Cinema Electronica
7. Videos that Rock
8. RESMIX Electronica
9. Unsung Heroes: Music Video Gems from the Archives
10. A Decade of RESFEST: 10 Seminal Short Films
11. Radiohead, the Visionaries: A Decade of Breaking New Talent
12. Everything Under The Sun: Short Film with A Purpose


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15���դ��� World Tour �����������ʥ��󥹤���ޤ�����

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���͡�12/08�ʶ�� - 12/10�����ˡڿ��ͥ����ȥӥ�å����󥿡���

"'Radiohead, the Visionaries: A Decade of Breaking New Talent'" �Ȥ������Ȥǡ�Radiohead ���ý������ߤ����Ǥ���
������Radiohead �� PV �ϸ��뵡��¿�����������⤷�ʤ��Ǥ�ʤ����Ȥ�����MTV�Ȥ��Ǥ��ý����Ȥ�Ͽ����äƤ�衣
�ޤ���Wu Tang Clan �Υɥ����󥿥꡼ "Rock The Bells" �� Feature Film �ˤʤäƤ��ޤ���

>> RESFEST JAPAN Official �ʤޤ���������Ƥʤ����ɡ�